Learn how to draw a great looking Aphrodite with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Aphrodite.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Aphrodite

How to Draw a Great Looking Aphrodite for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing Aphrodite's eyes. Use overlapping curved lines to enclose the irregular rounded shape of the eyes. Shade a circle within each to indicate the pupils. Use curved lines to contour the eyelids above each eye and the shape of the nose.
Drawing Step 2

2. Use long curved lines to outline Aphrodite's hair, ear, cheeks, and chin. Notice that the lock of hair consists of two wavy, roughly parallel lines that meet at a point. Then, draw her lips. Start with a curved line, with tiny curved lines on each end. Then, draw a curved line below it and a rounded "M" shaped line above it.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use curved lines to sketch the eyebrows and additional hair. Notice the double wavy lines that form a lock of hair, and the rounded "M" shaped line on the top of the head.
Drawing Step 4

4. Sketch Aphrodite's neck, shoulders, and arms using a pair of long curved lines. Then, use a series of connected lines to enclose her hair on each side of her head. Texture the hair with additional curved lines.
Drawing Step 5

5. Complete one arm, hand, and fingers using curved lines. Then, begin to draw Aphrodite's garments. Draw a flower shape - a circle surrounded by curved lines - on each shoulder. Connect these to the top of the shoulders with short lines. Then, use curved lines to enclose the top of the garment and contour her collar bones and torso.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw the remaining arm and hand using curved lines. Note the short lines that detail the bend of the elbow and the palm. Draw a long curved line from the arm down to begin outlining the side of the dress.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw Aphrodite's dress. Extend a long curved line down from the chest, and allow it to cross below the other side of the dress. Use long curved lines to complete the outline and contour the material. Draw two parallel curved lines at Aphrodite's waist.
Add More Details to Your Aphrodite Picture - Step 8

8. Draw the legs. For each leg, extend a long curved line and double it back upon itself. Notice how the lines converge at the ankles and the slightly scalloped texture of the toes. Then, use a series of curved lines to complete the hem of the dress. Draw a sideways "C" shaped line beneath her.
Complete the Outline of Your Aphrodite Drawing - Step 9

9. Use long curved lines to enclose the scalloped shape of a seashell beneath Aphrodite's feet. Contour the shell with long curved lines.
Color Your Aphrodite Drawing

Color your drawing of the goddess Aphrodite.
For more great Cartoons drawing tutorials, see the 51 Simple Cartoons Drawing Ideas post.
Learn More About The Aphrodite Drawing
"My Venus in blue jeans
Is everything I hoped she'd be -
A teenage goddess from above
And she belongs to me."
- "Venus in Bluejeans," song by Bobby Vinton
In Greek mythology, Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty, a fertility goddess. In ancient Rome, she was known as Venus.
Her name comes from a word meaning "foam," and she was said to have been born from seafoam produced from its contact with her father, Uranus.
Other stories identify her as the daughter of Zeus.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Aphrodite is associated with a number of symbolic objects, among them roses and birds such as the dove, the swan, and the sparrow.
She was married to Hephaestus, a god of fire and blacksmiths. Her feud with Athena was said to have played a role in the Trojan War.
Would you like to draw a cartoon of the beautiful Aphrodite? All you will need is a pen, pencil, or marker, and this step-by-step cartoon drawing tutorial.
You'll use simple lines and shapes to complete a cartoon portrait!
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Zeus drawing, Athena drawing, and Poseidon drawing.
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