Do you love animals? We do, too. That's why we have compiled this extensive list of 56 easy, step-by-step furry animal drawing tutorials for your enjoyment.
64 Easy Furry Animals Drawing Ideas
Badgers are cute but fierce. They have sharp claws for digging and defending themselves. Don't confuse them with the skunk, even though they have black and white markings and a similar body shape.
Snarling Wolf
Meet the Big Bad Wolf. If you love wolves, you can also learn how to draw a wolf's face and a full-body wolf below.
Smaller than squirrels, striped chipmunks are a delight to watch. Record your backyard observations in your sketchbook with the help of this drawing guide.
Red Panda
Red pandas resemble raccoons, but they are more closely related to the giant panda - each of which you will find below.
Remember the badger above? Can you spot the differences between him and this cute skunk? One difference is the smell!
Cartoon Goat
Whether you're drawing a farm scene or a mountainside, this goat will feel right at home.
You can go slowly as you complete this drawing - after all, a lack of speed is what sloths are known for! You'll find a detailed look at his face below.
Cartoon Bunny
This cute bunny could be a pet, a wild animal in your backyard, or one of your favorite cartoon characters.
Cartoon Squirrel
Here's another entry for your backyard sketchbook, wherever you live in the world. After all, squirrels live on every continent except Australia and Antarctica.
Porcupines are one of those amazing animals that are almost too weird to be real. But they are! Learn how to draw an African crested porcupine.
You can learn to draw a majestic grey wolf like the ones from your favorite novels. But don't stop at just one - you can draw the entire pack!
Hedgehogs, like the porcupine above, are known for their sharp spines. Don't frighten this little guy, or he might roll into a spiky ball!
Is it groundhog day? If you live in North America, every day can be groundhog day if you spot one of these common animals.
Wolf Face and Head
A regal wolf's head like this one often appears on jackets, decorations, and even tattoos. Celebrate the wild nature of the wolf with this intense portrait.
Cow Face and Head
Get a moo-ve on to improve your drawing skills! This cute cow's head can adorn a milk carton or welcome you down on the farm.
Grizzly Bear
Grizzly bears are the largest predator in the United States. You should always keep your distance from the wild ones, but you can get up close and personal with this realistic sketch.
Cartoon Reindeer
Whether it's that time of year or you're exploring the Arctic, this reindeer is ready for its portrait. The simple lines in this tutorial make it a great skill builder for beginners.
Llama, llama, red pajama! This fluffy animal is a modern favorite. Draw lots of llamas to adorn your notebooks, school supplies, journals, and more.
Bobcats may look like housecats with short tails, but they are truly wild! If you live in North America, here is another animal to watch for in the wild and add to your sketchbook.
Bear Face
Before you tackle the entire bear, why not focus on drawing its face? This bear is angry, roaring out a warning.
Realistic Dog
Would you like to make a portrait of your own faithful friend? This realistic dog tutorial can help you gain the skills you need. Can you adjust the details of this dog to make it look more like your pet?
Above, we saw the raccoon-like red panda. Now we have the real deal. This tutorial uses very simple lines, making it great for kids and beginners.
Do you have a pet ferret? Now you can draw its realistic portrait. You might even spot a wild ferret living in the western United States.
Above, you drew a grizzly bear and a bear's face. Now you can learn how to draw a bear that you can customize to match any species, be it a black bear, brown bear, polar bear, panda, or something else.
Cartoon Wolf
It's been said that wolves like to howl at the moon. You can sketch a grey wolf communicating with its pack in this unique way.
If you're looking for the easiest drawing guide on our list, this is the place to start. This easy bunny can be completed with just a few strokes of your pencil. It will help you gain the confidence you need to tackle still other animal drawings.
Cute Cartoon Cat
For some, there is nothing cuter than a fat cat or rolly-polly kitten. This little tabby cat captures all the cuteness that any feline could muster.
This realistic sketch captures one of North America's most unique animals - a large aquatic rodent with a flat tail, that chews through trees and uses them to build its home.
Koalas are one of the quintessential animals of Australia. This simple koala is doing what koalas do best - hanging out on a tree branch.
Orange Tabby Cat
This beautiful sketch will help you make a realistic drawing of a cat. Can you adjust the colors or the pattern to resemble your pet or your friend's pet?
Cartoon Polar Bear
Solid white polar bears are a striking member of the animal kingdom. You can adorn your stuff with your favorite animal or make a poster to raise awareness for the need to protect this vulnerable species.
Cartoon Kangaroo
Kangaroos bounding across the Outback are iconic of Australia. As you draw, notice the kangaroo's defining features - huge feet, a long tail, and a pouch on its belly.
This realistic deer looks majestic with its shaggy spotted fur and its large rack of antlers.
Cat and Dog
Cats and dogs are not always enemies. Sometimes, they are the best of friends. You can draw this adorable pair just for fun or to make a nice card for someone you love.
Cartoon Cow
Earlier, you learned how to draw a cute cow's face. Now, you can expand on those skills by drawing the whole animal. Holy cow!
Easy Sloth Face
Earlier in our list, you learned how to draw a sloth relaxing in a tree. Now, you can take a closer look at drawing its adorable face. You won't regret adding these cute details to your previous drawing.
Kids can learn a lot from taking care of a pet such as a hamster. You can learn a lot of drawing skills from this easy hamster drawing tutorial.
Cartoon Panda
We've talked about bears and red pandas. Now it is time to focus on the iconic black and white giant panda. This one is drawn in a cartoon style as it munches on its favorite food, bamboo.
This cute mouse has big ears and large, emotive eyes. Though drawn with very simple lines, it remains realistic in style.
Once you've drawn the cute mouse above, you can try your hand at a realistic rat! Set the scene for a science lab, a city, or a spooky dungeon.
If you've mastered the easy bunny and cartoon bunny above, it is time to try your hand at drawing a realistic rabbit.
Easy Cartoon Reindeer
You learned to draw a very simple reindeer above. Now, let's draw one with more detail. This reindeer wears a collar of bells around his neck - either for Christmas or as a real-life domestic animal.
Easy Dog
With triangle ears and easy curved lines, this dog is the perfect project for artists who are just starting out.
Guinea Pig
Like hamsters, above, guinea pigs make good first pets. This portrait in profile is done in a realistic style.
Labrador retrievers - labs for short - are among the most popular family pets. Draw your dog, and color him like a yellow lab, a black lab, or a chocolate lab.
Moose are an enormous type of deer. As you draw this moose, compare him to the deer you drew earlier. What differences do you notice in the body shape, antlers, and the presence of a dewlap or bell beneath the head?
Otters are cute and playful aquatic mammals. What misadventures will this little guy get into?
You can be clever like a fox when you expand your skills with the help of this drawing guide. What does the fox say? Let's find out.
Like the moose, above, elk are a large species of deer. This guide will walk you through the intricacies of drawing a highly realistic elk.
Look out! This angry bull is ready to charge! Capture the power and strength of this animal when you learn how to sketch its muscular stance using simple overlapping lines.
Panda Face
If you're missing the pandas from your favorite zoo, don't despair. Spend time with this adorable panda portrait. You can even give it a name!
Ring Tailed lemurs have stripes on their tails as their name suggests. They also have mask-like markings on their faces.
This fluffy puppy is your daily dose of cuteness! Pomeranians have curled, fluffy tails and lots of fur.
Halloween Cat
You won't mind if this black cat crosses your path. this adorable kitten is playing inside a carved Jack o'lantern pumpkin.
Easy Cartoon Chipmunk
Smaller than squirrels and twice as cute, this striped chipmunk is sure to steal your heart. He'll also steal your acorns.
Anime Dog
The jagged lines of this dog's fur mark him as an anime-style character. His posture says he is friendly, excited, and ready for adventure.
Cute Animals
Why draw just one furry animal when you can draw many? This set of baby animals includes a fox, an elephant spraying water, and a teddy bear holding an umbrella.
Fennec Fox
Foxes are cute, but fennec foxes are especially so. These desert-dwelling canines look a bit like chihuahuas and are known for their very large ears.
Cartoon Sea Otter
Sea otters are adorable. But why is this one holding a rock? Otters are part of an elite group of animals that know how to use tools. The rock is a tool for opening the clams the otter eats.
Tasmanian Devil
This isn't the Loony Tunes character - it's a real, live animal from the Land Down Under. Called "devils" due to their aggressive nature and persistent growling, tassie devils are actually quite cute.
Scared Cat
When frightened, most cats take on a distinctive posture - they extend their claws, arch their backs, and raise their tails erect.
Baby Deer
Baby white-tailed deer can be recognized by their spotted coats, but they lose their spots as they get older. This one also has huge, adorable eyes.
Do you need to draw a mole for Mole Day, held each year on October 23. Dig in to this lifelike mole drawing.
More About Drawing Easy Furry Animals
For many people, animals are their favorite thing to draw. It is easier to make an animal look "right" than it is a person, so drawing animals is a great way to learn and improve your skills.
In fact, you can learn a lot about body proportions and drawing characters in motion from sketching animals. Then, you can transfer these skills to drawing people if you decide to do that later.
The following simple animal drawing guides include both cartoon-style animals and realistic animals. The animal faces are the simplest, so they are a good place to start if you are a beginner.
There are also a few guides specifically for beginners. These include a dog and a bunny.
What sorts of animals will you find? These are furry animals; in other words, they are mammals. There are animals you may keep as pets, like bunnies and cats.
There are also wild animals large and small. These animals come from all over the world. For example, there are kangaroos from Australia, pandas from China, and moose and elk from Europe and North America.

You can draw these animals individually, or you can combine them together to create a scene. You could even use them for a school project, such as illustrating a story or creating a diorama or food web for a science class.

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