How to Draw Dumbo

Learn how to draw a great looking Dumbo with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Dumbo.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Dumbo

How to Draw a Great Looking Dumbo for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw Dumbo Step 01

1. Begin by sketching Dumbo’s face. Use two curved lines, and allow them to overlap slightly. Notice the bulge of Dumbo’s cheeks.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw Dumbo Step 02

2. Draw Dumbo’s trunk, erasing as necessary. Extend two long curved lines from the bottom of the face. Allow one line to wrap around and overlap the other. Draw curved lines across the tops of the long lines where the trunk meets the face, and across the middle of the trunk.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw Dumbo Step 03

3. Draw Dumbo’s eyes. For each eye, draw a curved line and enclose a partial oval on top of it. Then, enclose two successively smaller circles within each eye. Shade the smaller to indicate the pupil. Draw curved lines at the sides of the eyes to indicate eyelashes, and above for the eyebrows.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw Dumbo Step 04

4. Draw Dumbo’s hat, erasing as necessary. Draw a curved line across the top of the head, with short straight lines ascending from each side of it. Draw a curved line above it, and connect the two using overlapping curved lines. Then, use overlapping curved lines to enclose the bent triangular shape of the top of the hat.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw Dumbo Step 05

5. Draw Dumbo’s collar or frill. Draw two curved lines between the cheek and the trunk on each side.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw Dumbo Step 06

6. Draw the body and legs. Extend curved lines down from the collar. Use three curved lines to outline the feet, with semicircular toenails. Draw a curved line on each side of the trunk to indicate the bottom of the body.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw Dumbo Step 07

7. Draw Dumbo’s seated rear leg. Use overlapping curved lines, noting the spiral or “C” shaped line that outlines the bottom of the foot. Enclose semicircles to indicate the toenails.

Add More Details to Your Dumbo Picture - Step 8

How to Draw Dumbo Step 08

8. Use curved lines to sketch the remaining rear leg, a mirror image of the first.

Complete the Outline of Your Dumbo Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw Dumbo Step 09

9. Draw Dumbo’s trademark ears. Draw a long curved line from just below the hat to the side of the foot. Contour the ears with a curved line near the top.

Color Your Dumbo Drawing

How to Draw Dumbo Step 10

Color your cartoon of Dumbo. He has grey skin, pink ears, blue eyes, a yellow hat, and yellow and red collar.

Then, go on safari with some amazing animals or check out more of your favorite Disney characters.

For more great Cute cartoons drawing tutorials, see the 51 Easy Cute cartoons Art Projects for Kids post.

Easy, step by step Dumbo drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Dumbo Drawing

"The very things that held you down are gonna carry you up and up and up."
- Timothy Q. Mouse, Disney's Dumbo

Dumbo was the title character first of a children's book and subsequently of the 1941 animated film. Dumbo was born Jumbo Junior but given his moniker by other elephants making fun of his large ears.

Young Dumbo is separated from his mother after she spanks a human boy for making fun of her son's ears.

He is used in the circus performances, often as the recipient of the clowns' pranks.

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Dumbo's only friend is Timothy Mouse. After the pair inadvertently become intoxicated, they awaken in a tree.

Timothy assumes that Dumbo flew into the tree, using his ears as wings, but the young elephant can't be enticed to try it again until he is given a "magic feather."

While performing at the circus, Dumbo loses his feather and finally gains confidence in himself.

The animated film was the fourth produced by the Disney company, and their shortest feature film at just 64 minutes. In 2019, a live-action version of the film was released.

Would you like to draw a cartoon of Dumbo, the flying elephant? This easy, step-by-step Disney cartoon drawing tutorial is here to show you how.

All you will need is a pencil, an eraser, and a sheet of paper. You may also wish to color your finished character.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Cartoon Horse drawing, Elephant drawing, and Hippo drawing.

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