It has been said that the eyes are the window of the soul. Getting the eyes just right when you are drawing a person is important. These easy eyes drawing tutorials can help you develop the needed skills.
In the famous book Pride and Prejudice, Miss Bingley says to Mr. Darcy, "As for your Elizabeth's picture, you must not have it taken, for what painter could do justice to those beautiful eyes?"
In reply, he says, "It would not be easy, indeed, to catch their expression, but their color and shape, and the eyelashes, so remarkably fine, might be copied."
This is true of these drawing guides. The exact expression a person makes with their eyes can be challenging, but you will learn how to draw the right shape, along with details like the colorful iris and eyelashes.

After you master realistic eyes, you can explore other styles, like the blocky, rectangular anime style, or Margaret Keane's large, sad eyes.
Finally, learn how to draw animal eyes, such as cat and dragon eyes.

All you will need is a pencil and a sheet of paper. You might need an eraser to correct any mistakes and colored pencils to shade your finished drawings.
12 Easy Eyes Drawing Ideas
Cute Cartoon Eyes
Cartoon-style eyes are among the easiest to draw. Here, you will use curved lines for the basic outline, the lashes, and the eyebrows. The result is a pair of large, sparkling, adorable eyes.
This tutorial will help you draw basic human eyes. You can begin to concentrate on details like the shapes of the corners of the eyes, the thickness and spacing of the eyelashes, and the contours of the upper and lower eyelids.
Realistic Eye for Beginners
After mastering the human eyes above, you can hone your skills with this realistic eye. It's closer up, so you can see details like individual eyelashes and hairs of the eyebrow.
What happens if you strip away the lids that encase the eye? You end up with a round eyeball like this one. Notice the blood vessels around its edges that are usually hidden by the lids.
Easy Margaret Keane Big Eyes Art Project for Kids
Sketch your own version of Margaret Keane's "The Stray," which features a girl with large, sad eyes holding a cat. Keane was famous for this style.
Anime and Manga Eyes
Learn how to sketch the rectangular shape of these classic anime-style eyes. Notice how the outlines do not always touch as well as the large reflections on the irises.
Anime and Manga Eyebrows
The shape and placement of the eyebrows help the eyes you draw to express emotion. Use this tutorial to learn how to craft angry, surprised, and neutral eyebrows.
This tutorial examines how the eyes change when deeply saddened. Notice how the brows raise and the eyes squint. The tears pour from the outer corners.
Anime Eyes
Have another go at drawing anime-style eyes. This drawing differs from the previous one in that it focuses more on the details of the irises.
Closed Eyes
If you're having trouble getting the eyes just right, try drawing your character with closed eyes. This tutorial will show you how.
Cat Eyes
You've been drawing a lot of human eyes, but now you can explore the animal kingdom as well. Draw this cat's face and its uniquely shaped eyes.
Dragon Eye
This dragon eye's shape is reminiscent of the anime style. Note the sharp angles of the eye's corners, the scales around it, and the slitted reptilian pupil.

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