A beginner-friendly guide to learning how to draw a great-looking Sitting Anime Girl with easy, step by step drawing instructions and video tutorial. Great for beginner artists!

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Feeling tired after all that drawing? Sometimes, your anime characters have to sit down and rest, too. Take a break with this sitting anime girl drawing.
Below, we'll show you how to accomplish this easy drawing, step-by-step.
Step-by-Step Tutorial for Drawing a Sitting Anime Girl

Learn to draw your favorite female anime and manga characters in a sitting pose.
Sitting Anime Girl drawing - Step 1

1. Use curved lines to outline the girl's face, neck, and ear from a tilted 3/4 perspective. Notice the line outlining the jaw.
Then, draw a grid across the face using curved lines. Note that the horizontal line emerges from the indentation of the eye socket and points to the top of the ear. The vertical line is positioned in line with the chin.
Sitting Anime Girl drawing - Step 2

2. Use the grid to position the features of the girl's face. The curved lines of the closed eyes lie along the horizontal grid line, with curved eyebrows above them.
The nose rests along the vertical line, just below the horizontal line. The open mouth, teeth, and tongue should cross the bottom half of the vertical line segment, divided into 3/4 and 1/4 portions.
Begin sketching the hair using curved lines that meet at points.
Sitting Anime Girl drawing - Step 3

3. Continue to draw the girl's hair using curved lines that meet at points. Style the hair into a twin tails look.
Learn more about how to draw anime pigtails and other hairstyles.
Sitting Anime Girl drawing - Step 4

4. Begin drawing the anime girl body. Use curved lines to sketch the shoulders, V-neck, and sleeve of her shirt, as well as her raised arm. Her hand is open in a neutral gesture or a wave, the palm facing forward.
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Sitting Anime Girl drawing - Step 5

5. Use curved lines to outline the girl's torso and texture the fabric of her shirt.
Sitting Anime Girl drawing - Step 6

6. Use curved lines to sketch the girl's short skirt. Note the contours that indicate the thighs and the top of the legs (see how to draw thighs and legs for more details).
Sitting Anime Girl drawing - Step 7

7. Use curved lines to sketch the girl's legs, bent at the knees and folded under her; her remaining arm; and her foot.
Sitting Anime Girl drawing - Step 8

8. Color your sitting anime girl outline.
What to draw next?
What is this girl's story? Is she stretching? Doing yoga? Volunteering? Is she raising her hand to comment during an outdoor class?
Her story is yours, so it is up to you to get her ready for any adventure. Can you draw her with different hair or clothes? Perhaps she is getting ready for a run.
Maybe she needs a tutu and a messy bun as she prepares for a ballet performance. If she's at school, give her a cute school uniform like this cute anime girl!
Related drawing guides:
Customize your drawing even more with How to draw a sun hat, How to draw anime clothes, or How to draw an anime cat.
Learn to sketch anime drawings with our 100+ easy, step-by-step tutorials. You can view all guides for free!

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