Learn how to draw a great looking Snorlax Pokémon with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Snorlax Pokémon.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Snorlax Pokémon

How to Draw a Great Looking Snorlax Pokémon for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing Snorlax's head. Use three curved lines to outline an incomplete circle. Enclose two of the openings by drawing the ears, using curved triangles.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw the Pokémon's face. Use curved lines for the closed eyes, and to enclose the semi-circular mouth. Draw a curved line inside the mouth to indicate the tongue.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw a wide, curved "M" shape around the face. Draw two triangular teeth at the bottom of the mouth. Then, extend a line from the base of the neck to begin the arm.
Drawing Step 4

4. Continue the line and double it back upon itself to outline the arm. Then, draw small triangles for claws at the tip of the hand.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw the remaining arm. Again, extend a long line from the bottom of the head and double it back upon itself. Draw triangular claws at the tip.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw a curved line overlapping the bottom of one arm. This outlines the side of Snorlax's belly.
Draw an oval at the bottom of the line to form the foot. Extend a short line from the bottom of the foot to outline the leg.
Drawing Step 7

7. Complete the actions of the previous on the opposite side. Extend a curved line below the arm, then draw an oval, and then a short curved line.
Add More Details to Your Snorlax Pokémon Picture - Step 8

8. Draw claws on the feet - small triangles overlapping the edge of the oval. Erase as necessary.
Complete the Outline of Your Snorlax Pokémon Drawing - Step 9

9. Enclose a large oval shape on the belly, connected to the "M" shape around the face on each side. Draw an oval on the bottom of each foot.
Color Your Snorlax Pokémon Drawing

Color your cartoon of Snorlax. He is dark blue or teal green with a cream-colored face and belly.
Learn More About The Snorlax Pokémon Drawing
Would you like to learn how to draw a Snorlax Pokémon? It's easy! Snorlax is made up of ovals, triangles, and curved lines.
This cartoon drawing tutorial will teach you how to put the pieces together to create this awesome Pokémon.
Who is Snorlax? He is a normal-type Pokémon of Generation I. Snorlax are huge, and they like to sleep a lot - which can be a problem for Pokémon trainers when Snorlax blocks a tunnel or road!
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What is a Pokémon trainer to do? He or she can awaken the Snorlax with Poké Flute music. The drowsy Snorlax won't be happy, so be ready for a Pokémon battle! The Snorlax can then be caught with a Poké ball.
Ash Ketchum caught a wild Snorlax on the Grapefruit Islands. Ash's other Pokémon include the adorable Pikachu, the fiery Charizard, and the tough Blastoise. Can you catch 'em all? You can learn to draw them all.
For more fun and cute Pokémon drawing tutorials, see the 18 Easy Pokémon Drawing Tutorials post.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Articuno Pokémon drawing, Umbreon Pokémon drawing, and Pichu Pokémon drawing.
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