14 Easy Musical Instruments Drawing Tutorials

Let's make some music! You can decorate for a party or catch up on your homework for band class with the help of these easy musical instrument drawing tutorials.

What is your favorite type of music? What instruments are used to play it?

14 Easy Musical Instruments Drawing Tutorials Featured Image

Much of the music you hear on the radio is made using guitars. You can rock out with an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar, drums, and a microphone.

There are also lots of instruments used to make classical music - flutes, clarinets, violins, and pianos.

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Maybe you want to explore a specific musical genre. You can get into jazz with a saxophone drawing or venture to the beaches of Hawaii with a ukulele.

You can use a pen, pencil, or marker to draw the musical instruments. Sometimes a pencil is best, as you may need to erase guide lines along the way.

14 Easy Musical Instruments Drawing Tutorials Pinterest Image

You can also color your finished drawings. Use classic colors - such as silver for flutes, gold for trumpets and saxophones, black for clarinets, and brown for wooden guitars and violins - or get creative and deck your band in expressive colors!

Here's a challenge for you: can you sketch the instruments in groups according to their types? You can classify them as string, woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments.

14 Easy Musical Instruments Drawing Ideas

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14 Easy Musical Instruments Drawing Ideas

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