Oh, dear! These adorable deer are almost too cute for one sketchbook to handle. Get your fix with these easy deer drawing ideas.
When many people think of deer, Disney's Bambi is the first image that comes to mind. Below, you will find just such a spotted fawn.
There are a host of other famous deer - Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Blitzen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Vixen, and Rudolph, to name a few. Reindeer or caribou are an actual type of deer that live in the Arctic tundra. You will find Christmas-themed and realistic versions of this deer.
Speaking of realistic deer, you can explore different species from around the world, including moose - the largest deer species - elk, and white-tailed deer. You can even take a more in-depth look by drawing a deer's skull with its impressive antlers.

In addition to cute applications, deer are also a part of many rustic styles - cottagecore, lake life, and cabin life, to name a few. You're certain to find deer drawings to match your style in the list below.

All you will need to complete these drawings is a pencil, a sheet of paper, and perhaps an eraser. You may wish to use various shades of brown to color your finished drawings.
10 Easy Deer Drawing Ideas
Moose are the largest of the deer. As you draw, compare this one's tall shoulders, wide, bowl-shaped antlers, horse-like head, and beard to the features of the other deer.
Elk are also large deer, though not as much so as the moose, above. Note how the elk has a slender face and narrower antlers.
Baby Deer
Baby deer are often marked with white spots. These act as camouflage that helps them blend in with their surroundings. A few species of deer retain their spots as adults.
Easy Cartoon Moose
This easy moose has been simplified to the barest outlines. He makes a good starting point for beginner artists or those looking to create a funny character.
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
This version of Rudolph matches the classic character from the 1964 film. He has a round head and nose, short antlers, and the spots of a baby deer.
Easy Cartoon Reindeer
This cartoon reindeer could be one of Santa's sled deer, or he could be one of the great herds that roam the Arctic.
Reindeer Face
Rudolph is ready for his close-up! This cartoon reindeer is wearing a Santa hat and a collar with a jingle bell dangling from it.
Cartoon Reindeer
Reindeer like this one don't just belong to Santa. Real people raise reindeer that pull sleds and wagons. They wear harnesses, but they may not have bells on them!
This majestic deer is stepping out of the forest to greet you. Notice its long, slender legs, long neck, alert ears, and branching antlers.
Deer Skull
The skull of the deer is shaped very much like the faces you've drawn above. There are openings for the eyes and nose, and branching antlers.

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