The Force is strong with you. If you are a padawan of drawing, you have found the equivalent of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant - the following list of easy, step-by-step Star Wars drawing tutorials to help you hone your skills with a lightsaber - ur, pencil.
Is the Dark Side calling to you? You can equip your own evil empire with the Death Star and portraits of Darth Vader and his stormtroopers. Meet other Sith padawans and masters, including Kylo Ren and Darth Maul.
If you are trying to walk the path of the Light Side, Jedi Master Yoda is here to guide you. You can also team up with heroes of the Rebel Alliance and the Resistance - Han, Chewie, Rey, R2-D2, C-3PO, and BB-8. These are the droids you're looking for.
And if you're just looking for a bit of cosmic cuteness, we've got that too. You can draw a whole island full of adorable, crooning porgs - beakless seabirds with huge, expressive eyes.
Will you be successful? Remember Yoda's words: "Do or do not. There is no try."
May the Force be with you as you explore the galaxy with your pencil and sketchbook in hand!
14 Easy Star Wars Drawing Ideas
How to Draw the Death Star from Star Wars
That's no small moon. Learn to sketch the round shape and rectangular panels of this armored battle station, as well as the crater-like super laser port of this planet killer.
Darth Vader
With his black suit, helmet, and labored breathing - not to mention his ability to use the Force - Darth Vader is an intimidating figure. Learn to draw a portrait of this Dark Lord.
Stormtrooper Helmet
Stormtroopers - soldiers of the Galactic Empire - are protected by shiny white helmets and armor. Learn to draw a portrait of a stormtrooper's helmet.
BB-8 from Star Wars
BB-8 is a round-bodied astromech droid who can get around by using his circular torso like a giant wheel. You can learn to draw him in detail, including his face sensors and the round tool ports all over his body.
Cartoon Chewbacca
Chewbacca is a tall, hairy alien known as a Wookie. He wears a bandolier across his shoulder. Note his angry expression and take our advice - let the Wookie win.
R2-D2 from Star Wars
Like BB-8 above, R2 is an astromech droid - just an older model, predating BB-8 by about 50 years. Learn to draw his geometric legs, cylindrical body, and dome-shaped head.
Chibi Rey from Star Wars
Rey is the last Jedi, and in his chibi form, she's also the cutest. Draw her large head and eyes, small body, and intricate staff weapon.
Kylo Ren
Kylo's dark face mask and hood are meant to resemble the helmet of his grandfather Darth Vader, pictured above. Can you help this former Jedi learner come back from the Dark Side?
Chibi Han Solo from Star Wars
In this chibi form, Han Solo is the cutest smuggler in the galaxy. Princess Leia would agree - she even married him!
Darth Maul from Star Wars
Darth Maul is a Zabrak alien from the planet Dathomir. His species is known for the horns on their head as well as the facial tattoos.
Yoda from Star Wars
Yoda may be small, but he is a mighty Jedi warrior. In this drawing, he holds his lightsaber, and his free hand is raised to wield the power of the Force.
C-3PO from Star Wars
This shiny golden protocol droid is fluent in over six million forms of communication. You can learn how to draw this classically styled humanoid robot.
Porg from Star Wars
This adorable animal can be your new favorite pet! Porgs are afraid of Chewbacca, pictured above, because of his carnivorous ways.
Baby Yoda in Black and White
You could search the entire galaxy far, far away and not find a child cuter than Grogu. Learn how to draw this big-eared alien infant.
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