35 Easy Mythical Creatures Step-by-Step Drawing Tutorials

Do you daydream about dragons, unicorns, or mermaids? You can bring them and more to life with these easy mythical creatures drawing tutorials.

There are lots of fairytale creatures of European origin on our list - Western-style dragons, leprechauns, gnomes, fairies, elves, witches, werewolves, trolls, vampires, unicorns, and sea monsters.

35 Easy Mythical Creatures Drawing Tutorials for Kids Featured Image

You will also find creatures from Roman, Greek, and Egyptian mythologies, including Cerberus the hellhound, the half-human centaur, the winged horse Pegasus, the phoenix bird that rises from the ashes, the Medusa with hair made of snakes, and lionlike winged griffins.

Some of these creatures come from Eastern traditions - Japanese dragons, anime-style humanoid creatures, and spirit animals that can transform to look like humans.

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There are also some frightening creatures associated with the spirit realm - ghosts and demons, for example.

You can illustrate your favorite myths or folktales when you follow along with these step-by-step tutorials. You can even come up with your own stories and illustrate them.

35 Easy Mythical Creatures Drawing Tutorials Pinterest Image

All you will need is a pencil and a sheet of paper. It is also beneficial to have a good eraser - not just for mistakes, but sometimes you will need to erase lines from previous steps. Finally, don't forget to color your finished creatures.

35 Easy Mythical Creatures Drawing Ideas

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