Do you daydream about dragons, unicorns, or mermaids? You can bring them and more to life with these easy mythical creatures drawing tutorials.
There are lots of fairytale creatures of European origin on our list - Western-style dragons, leprechauns, gnomes, fairies, elves, witches, werewolves, trolls, vampires, unicorns, and sea monsters.
You will also find creatures from Roman, Greek, and Egyptian mythologies, including Cerberus the hellhound, the half-human centaur, the winged horse Pegasus, the phoenix bird that rises from the ashes, the Medusa with hair made of snakes, and lionlike winged griffins.
Some of these creatures come from Eastern traditions - Japanese dragons, anime-style humanoid creatures, and spirit animals that can transform to look like humans.

There are also some frightening creatures associated with the spirit realm - ghosts and demons, for example.
You can illustrate your favorite myths or folktales when you follow along with these step-by-step tutorials. You can even come up with your own stories and illustrate them.

All you will need is a pencil and a sheet of paper. It is also beneficial to have a good eraser - not just for mistakes, but sometimes you will need to erase lines from previous steps. Finally, don't forget to color your finished creatures.
35 Easy Mythical Creatures Drawing Ideas
Flying Dragon
Western-style dragons have lizard- or dinosaur-like bodies, four feet, a long tail, sharp teeth, and two batlike wings. Many, like this one, also have horns on their heads and spikes down their backs.
The Cerberus
In Greek mythology, Cerberus guarded the gates to the underworld. This massive, muscular doglike creature had three toothy heads, glowing eyes, and a long pointed tail.
Cartoon Leprechaun
Channel the luck o' the Irish when you draw this leprechaun holding his pot of gold. Like fairies and elves, leprechauns are represented as looking like small humans.
Fire Breathing Dragon
In many medieval fairy tales, bat-winged, lizard-like dragons were able to breathe fire. Is this dragon just showing off, or has he roasted an enemy on the ground before him?
Easy Gnome
The gnome knows! This one is wearing a traditional floppy hat and curly pointed-toed shoes. His beard is so vast, however, that you cannot see his face - only his nose pokes through.
Fairies are usually depicted as tiny winged women. This one has four pointed wings. She wears a dress, bracelets, and ballet slippers, and carries a star-topped magic wand.
Like dragons, centaurs have six limbs - four feet with horse's hooves and two human arms. In place of the horse's head, the center has the entire torso and upper body of a man.
Cartoon Witch
This witch represents the popular depictions of the past 200 years. She has a long, warty nose, a pointed hat, gnarled hands, and a broomstick on which she can ride.
This werewolf walks upright on two legs like a human. The tattered remnants of its human clothes hang around its waist. It is howling at the moon, which you can see behind its head.
The griffin has the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. This griffin's front feet are also those of a bird instead of catlike lion's paws. Like the dragon, it has a total of six limbs.
Demon Face
This nightmare creature has an underbite with long, sharp fangs, pointed ears, and curling goat-like horns. You can also see its muscular shoulders and smaller horns on its forehead.
In some parts of Europe, the Krampus takes the place of Santa Claus. This goat-like creature stands on its back legs and has the face of a human. It carries a bundle of sticks, either to leave as a present or to punish naughty children.
The Cthulhu looks a bit like an octopus with bat's wings. In the modern mythology of H.P. Lovecraft, it is one of the Elder Gods. This picture includes only the Cthulu's head.
The phoenix is a mythical bird that is said to resurrect itself and rise from the ashes after dying in a fire. That is why the bird's wing and tail feathers look like they are made of flames.
The Kraken
The Kraken is a sea monster, a giant squid or octopus. In our drawing, its body looks just like that of an octopus. Myths of this creature say it was large enough to sink or swallow entire boats.
Mermaids are creatures that have the tail of a fish and the upper body of a woman or girl. The fishtail starts just below the girl's belly button. She wears sea shells for clothing.
Did you draw the leprechaun holding the pot of gold, above? Give him a friend by drawing this one. Notice that both are wearing a suit and a top hat with a buckle.
Unicorns are most often depicted as horses with long, spiral horns emerging from the center of their foreheads. This one has dreamy eyes that contribute to the mood unicorns often invoke.
Ice Dragon
This dragon is of European style, with a lizard-like body, four legs, and two batlike wings. It is unique in its geometric shapes and sharp edges. These indicate that it is made of icicles.
Realistic Dragon
This European-style dragon drawing contains lots of detail. Notice the muscles in its neck, shoulders, and chest, and the texture of the wing membranes.
Anime Vampire Girl
Mythical creatures are common elements of anime and manga. This anime girl would look quite ordinary in her Victorian dress and parted hair, except for the trickles of blood around her mouth.
Elves with pointed ears and pointed shoes predate modern Santa Claus stories, but this one's beanie hat with a pom pom indicates that it is indeed a Christmas elf.
Simple Cute Mermaid
Did you draw the mermaid, above? Draw this one, too, to give her a friend! Notice that this picture includes a small fish, and that the fin of the mermaid's tail is a different shape.
Easy Cartoon Fairy
Fairies are often associated with nature. This one has a wand and wears a dress like the one above, but instead of insect-like wings, she has wings made of leaves.
Jumping Unicorn
Did you draw the standing unicorn, above? Now, you can draw one in action. This Lisa Frank-inspired unicorn has its legs stretched in mid-leap as it conquers a rainbow.
Anime Wolf Girl
This Ookami Shoujo or wolf girl is drawn in a classic anime style, with large eyes and a short pleated skirt. What sets her apart is her pointed ears and long, bushy tail.
Did you draw any of the unicorns above? Meet their cousin, the pegasus. Instead of a horn, pegasus has two feathered, birdlike wings on their backs. Like dragons, they have six limbs in total.
The Sphinx
The Sphinx statue in Egypt depicts a creature that has the body and legs of a lion with the head of a man. And it is not just any man - he wears the headdress and beard of a pharaoh.
This troll has sharp fangs, pointed ears, a wooden club, and tattered clothing that is a bit too small. Its drooping eyelids represent the dull intellect trolls are said to have.
Nine-Tailed Fox
The nine-tailed fox or kitsune isn't only a Pokémon. It is based on a mythical creature that can transform between an animal spirit and a human-like creature.
The Dracula vampire first arose in Europe in 1897. Its most defining features are its sharp fangs and dark cloak. This vampire also has pointed ears like many other mythical creatures.
Japanese Dragon
Can you see the differences between this Japanese dragon and the European dragons above? It has only two limbs instead of six. It has no wings, but it has antler-like horns and a long mustache.
The Medusa looks like a woman with wriggling snakes instead of hair. Don't look into her eyes as you draw - it is said her gaze can turn a man into stone!
Cartoon Werewolf
Did you draw the werewolf above? This one is drawn from a different angle. It is also more muscular and it has larger claws.
This drawing is of a classic "friendly" ghost. It has a hat-like appendage on the top of its head, a tail, two arms, two eyes, and a mouth.

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