Many fruits come into season in the summer and fall, but you can enjoy beautiful and delicious fruits year-round with the help of these easy fruit-themed drawing tutorials.
35 Easy Fruit Drawing Ideas
How to Draw a Lemon
"Lemon tree, very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet, but the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat." Despite what the song says, it's not impossible - you can make lemonade, a lemon pie, or use the lemon juice to add dimension to many, many recipes!
How to Draw a Pineapple
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? You know the answer. Pineapples are a sweet tropical fruit well known in Hawaiian cuisine. Did you know? you can grow a new pineapple plant from the green part on top.
How to Draw a Mango
Mangoes are a sweet tropical fruit often eaten with hot chili pepper powder. Some are so big that a single fruit can be a meal. Try one today!
How to Draw a Strawberry
From "strawberries on a summer evening" to "strawberry wine" and "strawberry champagne on ice," you can learn to draw this delectable fruit, no matter what song lyrics it brings to mind.
How to Draw a Peach
This easy drawing guide is peachy-keen. Learn how to draw this symbol of the U.S. state of Georgia, famous for its juicy flesh and fuzzy, velvety skin.
How to Draw Grapes
People have grown grapes in farms called vineyards for thousands of years. Grapes are eaten fresh, dried to make raisins, juiced, and fermented to make wine.
How to Draw an Apple
It's said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Don't forget to practice your drawing skills every day!
How to Draw Lemonade
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Draw up an ice-cold glass today.
How to Draw a Banana
Bananas are the only food that comes in its own wrapper! Until about a hundred years ago, bananas were not readily available in many parts of the world. They were a delicacy eaten by the rich. Remember that the next time you eat a banana!
How to Draw a Watermelon Slice
Watermelon has been a sweet treat for thousands of years. It is recognized by its green striped exterior and sweet, juicy, pink flesh.
How to Draw an Avocado
Avocados are often used in savory dishes like guacamole. Did you know? You can grow an avocado tree from the large seed inside. Suspend it in a glass of water by sticking toothpicks into the sides of the seed. In a few months, the tree may sprout.
How to Draw Acorns
Acorns are the seeds of the oak tree and a favorite food of squirrels. People can eat them, too, but they must first be boiled to remove bitter tannins. Then, they can be ground into flour.
How to Draw a Corn Cob
It may sound corny, but this cob wears a smile. Did you know? This staple crop originated as an ordinary grass. It was cultivated for its seed-head and over time developed into the corn we know today.
How to Draw a Tomato
Tomatoes are a staple in Italian cooking and other cuisines, but this has not always been the case. Native to the Americas, the tomato was not known in Europe until the 1600s. Because of its red color and similarity to other plants, some people thought it was poisonous!
How to Draw a Pumpkin
Pumpkins are a type of squash or gourd native to the Americas. They are often used as a symbol of autumn and the harvest. They are also used to make tasty pies!
How to Draw an Orange
Oranges are a well-known citrus fruit. Both the inside and outside in the fruit may range in color from green and yellow to orange and red.
How to Draw a Cornucopia
The cornucopia is a basket woven in the shape of a goat's horn, based on an ancient Greek myth. Overflowing with fruits, vegetables, and grain, it represents celebration and plenty during the time of the harvest.
Dragon Fruit
Dragonfruit is so named for its spikey dragonlike scales. It could even be mistaken for a dragon egg. Inside, its light flesh is dotted with small, dark seeds.
Candy Apple
Candied apples are an autumn treat. Draw this one covered in dripping candy and sprinkles. It also has a stick so you can hold it like a popsicle.
You can have a lovely bunch of coconuts thanks to this easy drawing guide. Sketch the hairy teardrop shapes that have three bowling ball-like holes - carpels left over from the flower. You will also draw the bowl-like interior of the cut fruit.
Apricots are a classic stone fruit, and you can see the stonelike pit inside this sliced fruit. Look for the similar peach on this list as well.
Sketch the round berries, marked by a round calyx with triangular edges. This picture also includes veined teardrop-shaped leaves.
You can explore the wrinkly, oval-shaped lime, including the triangular pattern seen only when you cut the fruit open.
Papayas are shaped like irregular ovals. When sliced, they have a narrow heart-shaped seed compartment filled with hundreds of tiny round seeds.
The guava is a pear-shaped fruit. Inside, it has a unique texture and small teardrop-shaped seeds.
Figs are teardrop-shaped fruits. When cut, the inside looks like a pithy starburst filled with small seeds.
A pomegranate may look like one tough fruit, but when you cut it open, you will find hundreds of berry-like arils inside.
Cranberries are firm, tart berries that come from low-growing plants. They may look like blueberries, but they are used in different ways - like making juice or jellied salad!
Papaya Tree
Papaya trees look a bit like palm trees - a woody trunk with large, serrated leaves at the top. The fruit grows clustered at the top of the trunk.
Cartoon Apple
It's been said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away - could you draw an apple every day? This drawing is complete with a stem and a leaf.
Banana Tree
Banana trees have huge leaves. You might notice that the bunch of bananas is much larger than what you'll find in the grocery store. You can even see the remnants of a flower at the bottom.
Guava Tree
This guava tree has a strong trunk, rounded leaves, and similarly rounded fruit. Each fruit has a "belly button," the remnant of the flower that formed it.
Peach Tree
Peach trees have gnarly branches and narrow, pointed leaves. The fruits are rounded with a crease or indention near the top.
Lemon Tree
Even young lemon trees, like the one in this flower pot, can produce full-sized lemons. The rounded fruit have gently pointed ends.
More About Drawing Fruit
You'll likely recognize most of the fruits listed below. We're not comparing apples to oranges, but what exactly is a fruit, anyway?
According to the Oxford Dictionary, a fruit is "the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food."
But wait - isn't the tomato a vegetable? We often think of it that way because it has a savory rather than sweet taste. And it does fit the definition of a vegetable "a plant or part of a plant used as food." Of course, so do all the other fruits on our list!
Botanically speaking, a tomato is a fruit because it is a fleshy plant product that contains seeds. We've also thrown in a few seeds that lack a fleshy covering - corn and acorns, for example.
Even though you normally wouldn't call them fruits, they're still part of the collective "fruitage" of your garden.

And finally, we'll present you with a cornucopia or "horn of plenty" to display this great bounty of edible plants.
How many of the following fruits have you tasted? Why not make an illustrated exotic fruit bucket list for your next art project.

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