Our human body drawing tutorials will break down each step so that you can easily follow along. You can start by drawing just one part of the body or feature of the face - for example, the eyes, feet, nose, or hands.
55 Easy Human Body Drawing Ideas
How to Draw DNA
Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is the basic building block of all life on earth. This microscopic double helix structure contains all the information needed to build a human, including you! Learn to draw DNA for your next science class.
How to Draw a Realistic Eye for Beginners
Some people say that the eyes are the "windows to the soul." How you draw your character's eyes can certainly bring them to life. This beginner's tutorial will help you draw the pupil, iris, eyelids, and surrounding facial features.
How to Draw a Woman's Face
Some artists feel that faces are difficult to master, but they don't have to be. Follow the steps to draw this woman's face in portrait perspective.
How to Draw a Brain
Your brain controls your hand as you draw and allows you to understand the information you are now reading. Pictures of brains often denote intelligence. Learn to draw the outline of a person, and sketch the brain and other organs in their proper places!
How to Draw a Hand
Second to the face, hands can be difficult to draw. But we've made it easy! Follow the simple steps to trace the fingers, thumb, knuckles, and palm.
How to Draw Lips
The mouth can be used to communicate much - is the person smiling or frowning? Do their lips form a surprised "O" or are they pursed in frustration? Learn how to add this expressive facial feature to your next character.
How to Draw Feet
Whether your character is tiptoeing through the tulips, walking on eggshells, or just trudging along, the feet are an important feature. Learn how to draw them here.
How to Draw a Nose
Located at the center of the face, the nose is literally and symbolically central to each person you draw. This nose is very easy, consisting of just a few lines and shaded ovals.
How to Draw Legs
Within the legs are some of the body's most powerful muscles. They give their owner the ability to walk, run, kick, jump, and more.
How to Draw Curly Hair
This easy example of curly hair can be used to draw male or female characters. Then, check out more of our drawing guides to learn how to fill in the face with eyes, a nose, and a mouth.
How to Draw an Ear
Did you hear? Drawing an ear is easier than you thought with the help of this tutorial. You'll use curved lines to trace the realistic contours of the cartilage.
How to Draw Tears
Some of the most moving and interesting drawings are those that convey deep emotions. Learn how to draw sad, anguished eyes that are overflowing with tears.
How to Draw a Mouth and Tongue
Whether it's a visit to the doctor, a popular culture logo, or a rude childish gesture, you can say "ah" and help your character stick out their tongue.
How to Draw a Human Heart
The heart that beats in your chest hardly resembles the symbolic lobed and pointed shape. Brush up on your biology as you learn how to draw the chambers and valves of this realistic human heart.
How to Draw Holding Hands
Once you've mastered drawing a single hand, why not draw two? Holding hands is a gesture of love and friendship.
How to Draw a Fist
The raised fist can be a gesture of victory or defiance. The fist can also be used to inflict a blow by punching an opponent. Try your hand at drawing this simple fist.
How to Draw Praying Hands
In many cultures, people put their hands together, flattened and palm to palm, when engaging in prayer - verbal or internal communication with a god or other deities. Send up a prayer as you improve your drawing skills.
How to Draw an Eyeball
Take a closer look at this bloodshot eye, then use it to create a frightened or angry character.
How to Draw a Heart
If you're looking for a more emotive organ to show the love your character feels, this is the heart for you.
How to Draw a Rib Cage
No bones about it - when you understand how the ribs, spine, and cartilage fit together, you'll be able to draw a more anatomically correct character.
How to Draw a Body Outline
Learn to sketch this outline of the human form, and you can fill in the details later.
How to Draw a Skeleton Hand
Need a hand with your drawing? We've got the bare bones tutorial for you.
How to Draw a Woman Side Profile
You can learn to draw a female face from a different point of view.
How to Draw a Face
This simple, generic face can be male or female. It is a good place to start on your next character.
How to Draw a Tooth
A lot can be learned from a person's teeth - age, diet, and even identity. Learn how to draw this vital body part in cartoon style.
How to Draw a Person Running
Add some action to your drawings! Use this simple sketch to learn how to add motion to your drawings of people. It's all about the posture.
How to Draw Muscles
Muscular characters are especially popular in comic books and anime cartoons. Use this generic drawing for your next strongman. Then, detail him with facial features and clothing.
How to Draw a Biceps
The above drawing guide gave you an overview of all the muscles in the body. Now, focus your attention on the biceps muscles of the arm.
How to Draw Abs
Sculpted abdominal muscles add strength and beauty to your drawing. Focus on this muscle group and prepare washboard abs for your next character.
How to Draw Teeth and Lips
"Just a smile can lift a weary heart," says one song. The teeth and lips can curl in a smile or a grimace. Learn to draw them to add emotion to your next drawing.
How to Draw a Skull in 3/4 View
The many fused bones of the skull support the features of the face. When you learn how to accurately sketch a human skull, your portrait drawing skills will naturally improve.
How to Draw Crossed Arms
Use this easy drawing tutorial to learn how to sketch a posture of defiance and the human torso in general.
How to Draw Lungs
If you are working on an anatomical drawing of the human body, the lungs are as essential as the heart, brain, and bones. Sketch the lungs in their rightful place.
How to Draw a Mustache
Learn how to draw a charming mustache, the hair that grows below a man's nose. You can apply this mustache to any face you may draw.
How to Draw a Beard
The above tutorial introduced you to drawing the mustache; now, complete the look with a full beard!
How to Draw Eyes
The color and the shape of the eyes are often used to set different characters apart. Learn how to draw these bright, feminine eyes with long eyelashes.
How to Draw a Thinking Face
How many emotions can you convey through the expressions of the face? Drawing different facial expressions using the same character is an exercise that many illustrators use for practice. Can you impart a thoughtful expression with the help of this drawing guide?
How to Draw Cartoon Hair
Sketch this classic childhood hairstyle with bangs and two pigtails. For an added challenge, create your own character by drawing the young girl's face.
How to Draw a Braid
A braid or plait is a centuries-old tradition used to beautify the hair or hold it back, away from the face. Once you've mastered the braid-drawing technique, you can design unique hairstyles for your characters.
How to Draw a Cartoon Tooth
Uh-oh! Does this crying tooth have a toothache? You can sketch this funny sign to remind yourself and others to brush and floss your teeth every day. Can you challenge yourself to draw a happy tooth as well?
How to Draw Washing Hands
Washing your hands is more important than ever! Draw this cute sign to remind yourself and others to scrub with soap and water. You should wash your hands for at least 20 seconds - can you draw them that quickly?
How to Draw the Spine
The spine or backbone is made up of many individual bones called vertebrae. You can draw this skeletal chart and label each one, noting its location inside the body.
How to Draw a Pinky Promise
Have you ever made a pinky promise - an oath sealed by linking your pinky fingers and using them to shake hands? Seal the deal when you learn how to draw this gesture.
How to Draw Heart Hands
You can form your hands into the shape of a heart to communicate love to someone. You can also sketch hands making this gesture to record it permanently!
How to Draw a Cartoon Skeleton
This friendly skeleton makes a good classroom companion when you are learning the names of the bones of the body. Sketch the ribs, pelvis, tibia, ulna, radius, and more.
How to Draw an Anatomical Heart with Flowers
Hearts and flowers often go together as amorous gifts - but seldom do you see a heart like this one! Sketch this anatomical heart with ventricles used as flower vases.
How to Draw a Finger Heart
Would you like to snap your fingers and make more love appear? You can use this drawing to make a fun card to let someone know that you care about them.
How to Draw a Skull in Profile
Did you know that the skull is not one bone, but many? You can see the faint lines between the connected bones in this drawing. Pair it with the portrait view of the skull, below, to identify all the bones.
How to Draw a Realistic Skull
The human skull is the basis for all the features of the face. You can learn the basic principles of face drawing or use this skull as part of a science project. Can you identify all the bones of the skull?
This realistic skeleton demonstrates the major bones of the human body. It is great for school science projects. Can you identify the skull, ribs, vertebrae, and kneecaps?
Realistic Face
This face isn't just a pretty picture. It demonstrates how the features of the face are divided into halves, thirds, and fifths.
Cartoon Lips
You can use long lines to create the familiar shape of these lips and to detail and texture the skin at its creases.
Cartoon Brain
Brains are full of wrinkles and folds that help it fit inside your head. In this picture, you can also see the cerebellum and spinal cord at the bottom of the brain.
Cartoon Hand
Hands are often regarded as hard to draw, but they don't have to be. You will use simple lines to sketch the wrist, palm, fingers, and creases of the skin.
Cartoon Nose
The nose knows - but do you know how to draw it? This nose is drawn in a 3/4 perspective. You can clearly see the details of the nostrils, tip, and bridge.
More About Drawing the Human Body
Learning how to draw the human body is a vital step for every artist. But it is also very intimidating for many. It doesn't have to be, though! You don't need a model to help you learn how to draw people. All you need are these easy human body drawing guides!
You will also learn how to break the body down into specific structures - first the skeleton and bones, then the muscles. You can even diagram your own organs for a biology class or science project!
The next step will be learning how to draw the body in motion. Once you've mastered the outline of the body, you can draw a person running. By positioning the body and limbs in different ways, you can make your character walk, run, or even fly!
Some people consider the face the hardest aspect to master when drawing people. You will find tutorials on how to draw different facial expressions, including a thinking face and a crying face.

Would you like to advance your portrait drawing skills even further? You can compare drawing a woman's face in a portrait, or forward-facing, style, and profile, or a side-facing perspective.
No matter how skilled or unskilled of an artist you are now, you can learn to draw realistic or cartoon-like people. These fun, easy human drawing tutorials are here to show you how.
Sharpen your pencil, grab some paper and an eraser, because it is time to start drawing!

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