51 Easy Movie and TV Show Characters Drawing Tutorials

Kids like you love watching movies and TV shows. But when the movie or show comes to its end, what do you do? You can still spend time with your favorite characters by learning how to draw them! These easy movie and TV show character drawing tutorials can show you how.

Do you love superheroes? You will find almost all of them here - Marvel, DC, Power Rangers, X-Men, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and even four-legged friends from Paw Patrol.

But look out for the supervillains - they're here, too!

51 Easy Movie and TV Show Characters Drawing Ideas for Kids Featured Image

Perhaps you're more into Disney princesses. From ancient China to Agrabah to the islands, there's a whole royal court of happily ever afters waiting for you.

Are you looking for a good scare? Look no further than Coraline, The Nightmare Before Christmas, or Stranger Things.

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Maybe you're not a kid anymore and you're thinking back to the classic characters from the good old days. You'll find a classic Superman, Mr. Bean, classic literary characters, friends from a galaxy far, far away, and more.

51 Best Movie and TV Show Characters Drawing Tutorials Pinterest Image

These beloved characters are not difficult to draw. You only need a pencil and a sheet of paper (and maybe an eraser and something to color with). As your drawing skills grow, you may even find yourself making up characters of your very own!

51 Easy Movie and TV Show Characters Drawing Ideas

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